With Lewisham to become the London Borough of Culture in 2022, it is good to know that our local community is brimming with talent. Meet Robert, one of the Healthy Walk leaders, one of the local people who takes a group to Forster Memorial Park on Tuesday mornings. Robert is a keen music producer. You can listen to his soundcloud here.
Robert tells us why he likes being part of our Healthy Walking Group.
"I like being part of the group because it is good for my mental health and good for my physical health." The Tuesday morning Healthy Walk to Forster Memorial Park leaves from Goldsmiths Community Centre at 10.30 am and returns to the Apple Tree Cafe for a snack and a chat. It is part of the Lewisham Healthy Walks programme, overseen by Greenwich Cooperative Development Agency (GCDA) and will resume as soon as it is safe to do so. If you are interested in joining contact the Community Development Worker for more information. #health #music #culture #communityComments are closed.